This article is the first of two written by Pamela Crane with the aim of helping you to remain youthful for longer in both mind and body. Starting your journey...
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Stress is endemic in today’s fast-paced society and we all know that too much stress can have a really negative impact on our minds and bodies. Imagine holding a glass...
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Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways to help people to deal with stress, to relax more and become calmer. Indeed, this therapy has helped many people deal with...
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With the British Medical Association now calling for a 20% tax on sugary food and drinks, sugar has been recognised as the main culprit for Britain’s current obesity problem. Many experts...
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“There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” The words from Leonard Cohen’s song, ‘The Anthem’ are well worth remembering. Nothing and no-one is...
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