Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy session

Clinical Hypnotherapy has long since been proven effective in treating a wide variety of physical, emotional and psychological conditions. Clinical hypnotherapy can succeed where other more conventional methods of treatment have not produced the desired result.

Essentially, where the problem is as a result of habitual conditioning, accumulated stress or unresolved issues and experiences in your life, clinical hypnotherapy is the ideal intervention. By accessing and re-programming these issues, habits and behaviours at a subconscious level you could be enabled to successfully move on in your life.

Clinical hypnotherapy is natural and safe, with no harmful side effects. As human beings, we regularly go in and out of a light trance state – often referred to as ‘day dreaming.’  For example, do you ever get to the end of a page you’re reading and find you can’t remember some of what you have read?  You have drifted into a light trance.  It’s extremely good for you as sometimes your conscious mind just needs to take a break.  It’s safe to do this as your unconscious mind is the part that never turns off. Your unconscious deals with all of your automatic responses as well as storing all of your experiences from way back.

How I might help you
I will help you to understand and appreciate just how powerful your unconscious mind is and how you can work with it to your best advantage.  I possess particular expertise with issues involving anxiety, pain relief, self confidence, motivation, relationship and bereavement issues.  Helping people to reduce their weight, work on their inner child, eradicate cravings, fears and phobias,  I also offer Past Life Regression sessions to deal with any issues or simply for interest-only purposes.

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To book your complimentary, no obligation consultation or to book an appointment, call me on 01342 730890.